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若你喜歡 Yoda

Apparently, Yoda can read minds.

Elon Musk is working on reading minds. Everybody wants to have the super power of reading minds. But is it really possible to obtain metaphysical abilities through will? Or is it a gift from God?

Is it a good thing to have your minds read by complete strangers? If that power is easily made possible through monetary exchange, who will abuse it?

Sometimes God gives you the power to do extraordinary things because He knows you wouldn't do crazy things with the given capabilities. Not necessarily because you are smart or super loved, although you could be. Certain people are blessed by God not because they are lucky. Maybe they are just good, ethical and sane people.

Think about how the world would be like if someone as ambitious as Elon Musk can control what is on your mind.

Can you handle it?

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